Babu88 Logo
Babu88 Logo

    We Build Building and Great Homes.

    We successfully cope with tasks of varying complexity, provide long-term guarantees and regularly master new technologies.


    Get in touch

    (+380) 50 318 47 07

    65 Allerton Street 901 N Pitt Str, Suite 170, VA 22314, USA

    BABU88 India Agent Registration

    Welcome and thank you for your interest in becoming BABU88 official Agent!
    Ready to make money?
    To start the process, please provide us with your information.

    For more information do visit our Agent website:

    An agent account may only service the country of the site the account is registered. If an agent wishes to service other countries, please reach out to our agent managers after registration.

    Account Information

    Your login name(Agent ID) and password

    User ID that you want to use login. Minimum 6 characters.
    Your login password. Minimum 6 characters.
    Personal Information

    Please provide us your personal information. These information will be used to verify your identity when you reach out to Agent Support.

    Full name as shown in your Aadhaar Card
    Example: 1234567821, 2123456781
    Payment Information

    Your wallet details for commission payment

    Please select a bank
    Provide the bank account for the bank that you've provided
    IFSC code of your bank